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data class InputDateTimeData(val title: String, val inputStyle: InputStyle = InputStyle.DataInputStyle(), val imeAction: ImeAction = ImeAction.Next, val isRequired: Boolean = false, val actionType: DateTimeActionType = DateTimeActionType.DATE_TIME, val allowsManualInput: Boolean = true, val visualTransformation: DateTimeVisualTransformation, val is24hourFormat: Boolean = false, val acceptText: String? = null, val cancelText: String? = null, val outOfRangeText: String? = null, val incorrectHourFormatText: String? = null, val selectableDates: SelectableDates = SelectableDates("01011940", "12312300"), val yearRange: IntRange = IntRange(1970, 2100))
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fun rememberAdditionalInfoColumnState(additionalInfoList: List<AdditionalInfoItem>, syncProgressItem: AdditionalInfoItem, expandLabelText: String = provideStringResource("show_more"), shrinkLabelText: String = provideStringResource("show_less"), minItemsToShow: Int = 3, scrollableContent: Boolean = false): AdditionalInfoColumnState
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fun rememberInputDateTimeState(inputDateTimeData: InputDateTimeData, inputTextFieldValue: TextFieldValue = TextFieldValue(), inputState: InputShellState = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED, legendData: LegendData? = null, supportingText: List<SupportingTextData>? = null): InputDateTimeState
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fun rememberListCardState(title: ListCardTitleModel, description: ListCardDescriptionModel? = null, lastUpdated: String? = null, additionalInfoColumnState: AdditionalInfoColumnState, loading: Boolean = false, shadow: Boolean = true, expandable: Boolean = false, itemVerticalPadding: Dp? = null): ListCardState