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Checks if the geometry contains a multi polygon.

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Checks if the geometry contains a point.

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Checks if the geometry contains a polygon.

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Build a Geometry object of type multi polygon from a List<List<List<List<Double>>>> object with the multi polygon coordinates.

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Build a Geometry object of type point from a List<Double> object with the point coordinate.

fun createPointGeometry(longitude: Double, latitude: Double): Geometry

Build a Geometry object of type point from a longitude and a latitude.

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Build a Geometry object of type polygon from a List<List<List<Double>>> object with the polygon coordinates.

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Converts a Geometry object of type polygon in a List<List<List<List<Double>>>> object with the multi polygon coordinates.

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Converts a Geometry object of type point in a List<Double> object with the point coordinates.

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Converts a Geometry object of type polygon in a List<List<List<Double>>> object with the polygon coordinates.

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fun validateGeometry(geometry: Geometry?)