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open override fun add(o: EnrollmentCreateProjection): Single<String>

Adds a new object to the given collection in an asynchronous way based on the provided CreateProjection. It returns a Single<String> with the generated UID, which is completed when the object is added to the database. It adds an object with a State.TO_POST, which will be uploaded to the server in the next upload.

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Adds a new object to the given collection in a synchronous way based on the provided CreateProjection. It blocks the current thread and returns the generated UID. It adds an object with a State.TO_POST, which will be uploaded to the server in the next upload. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .add.

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open override fun blockingCount(): Int

Get the count of elements. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .count.

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open override fun blockingGet(): List<Enrollment>

Get the list of objects in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .get.

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open override fun blockingGetUids(): List<String>

Get the list of uids of objects in scope in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .getUids.

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open override fun blockingIsEmpty(): Boolean

Check if selection of objects with applied filters is empty in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .isEmpty.

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fun byCreated(): DateFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository>
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fun byDeleted(): BooleanFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository>
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fun byFollowUp(): BooleanFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository>
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fun byLastUpdated(): DateFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository>
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fun byProgram(): StringFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository>
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fun byState(): EnumFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository, State>

Use .byAggregatedSyncState instead.

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fun bySyncState(): EnumFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository, State>
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fun byUid(): StringFilterConnector<EnrollmentCollectionRepository>
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open override fun count(): Single<Int>

Get the count of elements in an asynchronous way, returning a Single.

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open override fun get(): Single<List<Enrollment>>

Get the objects in scope in an asynchronous way, returning a Single<List>.

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open override fun getPaged(pageSize: Int): LiveData<PagedList<Enrollment>>

Handy method to use in conjunction with PagedListAdapter to build paged lists.

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open override fun getPagingData(pageSize: Int): Flow<PagingData<Enrollment>>

Uses Paging3 library and return a Flow

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open override fun getUids(): Single<List<String>>

Get the list of uids of objects in scope in an asynchronous way, returning a Single<List<String>>.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Single<Boolean>

Check if selection of objects in current scope with applied filters is empty in an asynchronous way, returning a Single.

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Get a ReadOnlyObjectRepository pointing to the first element in the list.

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open override fun uid(uid: String?): EnrollmentObjectRepository

Returns a new ReadOnlyObjectRepository whose scope is the one of the current repository plus the equal filter applied to the uid. This method is equivalent to byUid().eq(uid).one().

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