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open override fun add(o: EventCreateProjection): Single<String>

Adds a new object to the given collection in an asynchronous way based on the provided CreateProjection. It returns a Single<String> with the generated UID, which is completed when the object is added to the database. It adds an object with a State.TO_POST, which will be uploaded to the server in the next upload.

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Adds a new object to the given collection in a synchronous way based on the provided CreateProjection. It blocks the current thread and returns the generated UID. It adds an object with a State.TO_POST, which will be uploaded to the server in the next upload. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .add.

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open override fun blockingCount(): Int

Get the count of elements. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .count.

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open override fun blockingGet(): List<Event>

Get the list of objects in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .get.

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open override fun blockingGetUids(): List<String>

Get the list of uids of objects in scope in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .getUids.

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open override fun blockingIsEmpty(): Boolean

Check if selection of objects with applied filters is empty in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .isEmpty.

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open override fun blockingUpload()

Uploads the resources in scope in a synchronous way. Important: this is a blocking method and it should not be executed in the main thread. Consider the asynchronous version .upload. The method will finish as soon as the whole upload an processing is finished.

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fun byAssignedUser(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byCompleteDate(): DateFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byCompletedBy(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byCreated(): DateFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byCreatedAtClient(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byDataValue(dataElementId: String): ValueSubQueryFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byDeleted(): BooleanFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byDueDate(): DateFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byEnrollmentUid(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byEventDate(): DateFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byGeometryCoordinates(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byLastUpdated(): DateFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byLastUpdatedAtClient(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byOrganisationUnitUid(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byProgramStageUid(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byProgramUid(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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fun byState(): EnumFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository, State>
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fun byStatus(): EnumFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository, EventStatus>
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fun bySyncState(): EnumFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository, State>
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fun byUid(): StringFilterConnector<EventCollectionRepository>
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open override fun count(): Single<Int>

Get the count of elements in an asynchronous way, returning a Single.

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open override fun get(): Single<List<Event>>

Get the objects in scope in an asynchronous way, returning a Single<List>.

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open override fun getPaged(pageSize: Int): LiveData<PagedList<Event>>

Handy method to use in conjunction with PagedListAdapter to build paged lists.

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fun getPager(pageSize: Int): Pager<Event, Event>
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open override fun getPagingData(pageSize: Int): Flow<PagingData<Event>>

Uses Paging3 library and return a Flow

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open override fun getUids(): Single<List<String>>

Get the list of uids of objects in scope in an asynchronous way, returning a Single<List<String>>.

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open override fun isEmpty(): Single<Boolean>

Check if selection of objects in current scope with applied filters is empty in an asynchronous way, returning a Single.

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Get a ReadOnlyObjectRepository pointing to the first element in the list.

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open override fun uid(uid: String?): EventObjectRepository

Returns a new ReadOnlyObjectRepository whose scope is the one of the current repository plus the equal filter applied to the uid. This method is equivalent to byUid().eq(uid).one().

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open override fun upload(): Observable<D2Progress>

Uploads the resources in scope in an asynchronous way. An Observable<D2Progress> is returned, which will emit progress until the whole upload is finished and the Observable is completed.

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