
open class QrCodeCase


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constructor(localDbRepository: LocalDbRepository, dhisVersionManager: DHISVersionManager)


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open fun generateDataSetCode(dataSet: String, orgUnit: String, period: String, attributeOptionComboUid: String): Single<String>
Get a compressed representations of a data value set.
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open fun generateDeletionCode(itemToDeleteUid: String): Single<String>
Get a compressed representation of the deletion of an event.
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open fun generateEnrollmentCode(enrollmentUid: String): Single<String>
Get a compressed representation of an enrollment.
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open fun generateRelationshipCode(relationshipUid: String): Single<String>
Get a compressed representation of a relationship.
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open fun generateSimpleEventCode(eventUid: String): Single<String>
Get a compressed representation of a simple event.
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open fun generateTrackerEventCode(eventUid: String): Single<String>
Get a compressed representation of a tracker event.