
object D2Manager

Helper class that offers static methods to setup and initialize the D2 instance. Also, it ensures that D2 is a singleton across the application.


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Instantiates D2 with the provided configuration. This is a blocking method. If you are using RxJava, use D2Manager.instantiateD2 instead.

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Returns the D2 instance, given that it has already been initialized using the D2Manager.instantiateD2 method.

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fun instantiateD2(d2Config: D2Configuration): Single<D2>

Instantiates D2 with the provided configuration. If you are not using RxJava, use D2Manager.blockingInstantiateD2 instead.

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Returns if D2 has already been instantiated using the D2Manager.instantiateD2 method.

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fun setCredentials(username: String, password: String)
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fun setTestingDatabase(serverUrl: String, databaseName: String, username: String)
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fun setTestingInsecureStore(insecureStore: InsecureStore?)
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fun setTestingSecureStore(secureStore: SecureStore?)