DHIS2 Basic Input. Wraps Material 3· BasicTextField.
: Manages the helper text to be shown.
: Controls the enabled state of the component. When false
, this component will not be clickable and will appear disabled to accessibility services.
: manages the number of lines to be allowed in the input field.
: manages the helper text style, NONE by default.
: manages the value of the input field text.
: gives access to the onTextChangedEvent.
: to pass a modifier if necessary.
: manages the color of cursor depending on the state of parent component.
: manages the ImeAction to be shown on the keyboard.
: manages custom visual transformation. When null it will use the visual transformation created based on helper style, when a visual transformation is passed it will ignore the helper style.
: gives access to the ImeAction event.
: gives access to the ImeAction Search event.