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Day 5 | Closing presentations

What you will learn
  • Advanced topics (we will decide as a group what we want to cover)
  • How to share your DHIS2 apps
  • Ideas for further learning
  • Certificates and closing


08:30 - 10:30Closing Workshoptopic to be decided by participants
10:30 - 11:00coffee break
11:00 - 11:30Common Session
11:30 - 12:30Certification & ClosingEveryone will get a participation certificate!
12:30 - 13:30Lunch
13:30End of day
Potential topics for Day 5

The topics for day 5 will be chosen by academy participants based on interest. Some potential topics are:

  • External API calls (routing)
  • Plugins
  • Advanced UI components
  • Typescript support
  • Quality for apps: overview and open discussion of testing, CI/CD, process etc..

Morning workshop 1 (Plugins)​

Morning workshop 2 (API Routes)​

Common Closing session​

Will be an interactive session where the following topics will be discussed.

How to keep learning​

Now that the basics are covered, how do you keep learning? We’re going to be looking at where documentation is hosted, and how to learn from other people’s code (GitHub) among other things. Developer Portal will be discussed during this presentation as well.

CoP, JIRA & Getting help​

How can the Community of Practice play a role in learning more and getting answers to questions anyone might encounter during their continued development? We’ll be diving into the CoP and seeing what categories are available, where they should post what kind of questions, and how to tag their posts.

Furthermore, of course, also looking into searching for answers, answering other’s questions and more.

Then there’s the upstream direction of asking questions and reporting bugs when issues are encountered. Through a contact known in the organization you’re working for, or through JIRA.

Developer Meetups​

We’ll shortly discuss developer meetups, what kind of topics have been present in 2023/early 2024, and what to expect going forward. But also asking for volunteers to have an Academy-themed meetup where several people will share their experience during the academy for 10-15 minutes (short time each).